
Job-Seeker Visas

There is a demand for skilled foreign workers in Germany, Sweden and Portugal to fill job vacancies in a variety of business sectors, including construction, education, engineering, finance, healthcare, information technology, and manufacturing.

In order to make it easier for expat workers to find jobs in Germany, Sweden and Portugal, the governments of Germany and Portugal each established their job-seeker visa program, while Sweden created a residence permit program.

The purpose is to allow foreign workers to legally live in Germany, Sweden or Portugal for a limited amount of time in order to look for employment and to interview in-person with prospective employers in the country.

A nice thing about these three European Union (EU) countries is that there are many jobs in Germany, Sweden and Portugal available to English-speakers.

Of course, if you plan to live and work in Germany, Sweden or Portugal for any length of time, it is practical to at least learn basic German, Swedish or Portuguese, which will make it easier to make new friends, go shopping, conduct banking, travel around the country, etc.

Euro Visa Solutions offers flexible online courses to learn the basics of the German, Swedish and Portuguese languages to help get you started.

Once a foreign worker secures a qualifying offer of employment in Germany, Sweden or Portugal (as relevant), he or she can then apply for temporary residence along with his or her spouse and dependent children.

After living in Germany, Sweden or Portugal as a temporary legal resident for a certain number of years, and satisfying other criteria, the foreign worker and his or her family can apply for permanent residency or even citizenship!

Thus, a job-seeker visa is the key that unlocks the door to live and work in Germany, Sweden or Portugal on a temporary basis (for example, several years) or on a permanent basis as a permanent resident or citizen once the eligibility requirements have been satisfied.

Opportunity Card for Germany:

In order to apply for an Opportunity Card for Germany, you must satisfy the eligibility requirements.


  • Citizenship from a country that is not a member of the EU
  • Evidence of qualifying academic or vocational training is required
  • Your academic or vocational credential must be recognized in Germany or in the country where it was granted
  • If you hold a vocational credential, it must have required a minimum of 2 years of vocational training to achieve
  • One option requires that you receive at least 6 points on the points system and possess at least B2 level English or A1 level German language skills
  • Provide proof of funds to support yourself while living in Germany
  • Complete the German Opportunity Card (Chancenkarte) Application
  • Pay the governmental fees
  • Attend the consular interview and bring the required documents
  • Possess a passport that will be valid during your stay in Germany
  • Have adequate health insurance during your stay in Germany
  • Receive your Opportunity Card and travel to Germany to seek employment!


  • Live in Germany legally for up to 12 months to seek employment
  • Search for jobs in Germany and interview in-person with employers
  • Work in Germany up to 20 hours per week while searching for qualifying skilled employment in Germany
  • Once you secure a qualifying job in Germany, you and your family can apply for either a:
    • EU Blue Card; or a
    • German Residence Permit.
  • After you live and work in Germany legally for 4 years with a German Residence Permit or EU Blue Card (less time in some cases) and meet other criteria, you can apply for permanent residency in Germany.
  • Another option is to apply for a Permanent EU Residence Permit after living in Germany for a total of 5 years, which would allow you to immigrate to almost any EU-member country.
  • Once you live and work in Germany legally for a total of 5 years, and meet other criteria, you can apply to become a German citizen!

Residence Permit to Sweden:

In order to apply for a Residence Permit to Sweden, you must satisfy the eligibility requirements.


  • Hold a Master’s Degree, Doctorate Degree (such as a PhD) or other advanced degree
  • Plan to look for jobs in Sweden or explore options to start a business in Sweden
  • Show proof of funds that you can support yourself while living in Sweden
  • Complete the Swedish Residence Permit Application
  • Pay the governmental fees
  • Attend the consular interview and bring the required documents
  • Possess a passport that will be valid while you are living in Sweden
  • Have adequate health insurance during your stay in Sweden
  • Receive your Residence Permit and travel to Sweden to seek employment or start your own business!


  • Live in Sweden legally for up to 9 months to seek employment or explore starting a business
  • Search for jobs in Sweden and interview in-person with employers 
  • Explore the feasibility of starting your own business in Sweden
  • Once you secure a qualifying job in Sweden, you can apply for a Swedish Work Permit
  • In the event that you decide to start a business in Sweden, you can apply for a Residence Permit as a Self-Employed Person
  • Your spouse and dependent children can also apply for a Residence and Work Permit
  • After you live and work in Sweden continuously for 5 years and satisfy other criteria, you can apply for permanent residency in Sweden
  • Once you have been living in Sweden legally for a total of 5 consecutive years, are at least 18 years of age and you satisfy other criteria, you can apply to become a Swedish citizen!

Job-Seeker Visa to Portugal

In order to apply for a Job-Seeker Visa to Portugal, you must satisfy the eligibility requirements.


  • Complete the application for the Portuguese Public Employment Service
  • Complete Portugal’s National Visa Application
  • Pay the governmental fees
  • Hold a passport that will be valid for 3 months beyond the projected date of return
  • Provide 2 recent passport-style photos
  • Show that you can support yourself while living in Portugal
  • Have adequate health insurance while living in Portugal
  • Provide police certificates to show no criminal record


  • Live in Portugal legally for up to 6 months to seek employment
  • Search for jobs in Portugal and interview in-person with employers
  • Once you secure a qualifying job in Portugal, you and your family can apply for a Residence Permit to live and work in Portugal for a limited amount of time
  • After you legally live and work in Portugal for a total of 5 years and satisfy other criteria, you can apply for permanent residency in Portugal or Portuguese citizenship!

DISCLAIMER: These are brief overviews regarding the key criteria and procedures to apply for a Job-Seeker Visa to Germany and Portugal, as well as a Residence Permit to Sweden; however, be aware that there may be additional requirements and procedures; this information should not be considered as legal, immigration or professional advice; and it is subject to change at any time. Euro Visa Solutions is not a law firm and is not affiliated with any government or government agency and, therefore, cannot issue a visa or permit of any type.

To learn which job-seeker visa is right for you