Work in Europe’s Best Countries with Euro Visa Solutions!

Over one million jobs in Germany and other top European countries are waiting for YOU!!!


About Euro Visa Solutions

Euro Visa Solutions is a global leader in providing opportunities to expat workers who are seeking jobs in Germany, Sweden and other European countries.

Our mission at Euro Visa Solutions is to make it easier for talented people like you to find work in Germany or other European countries that are known for their high quality of life.

We currently offer a Profile Assessment of your potential to work in Germany and we facilitate the Job-Seeker Visa application process.

Euro Visa Solutions also makes available interactive software to help you learn English, German or other major languages spoken in Europe.

To register for your Profile Assessment, click here!

Euro Visa Solutions procedure

Reasons to Choose Euro Visa Solutions

The support team at Euro Visa Solutions has many years of experience providing products and services to thousands of customers worldwide who want to live and work abroad.

Our goal is to make it easier for talented individuals like you to work in Germany or another top expat destination and to facilitate the complicated visa application process.

Work in Germany

Germany has the largest economy in Europe and the fourth largest in the world.

Thousands of foreign workers are needed to help fill over one million jobs in Germany and to keep the German economy growing.

There are many jobs in Germany for English speakers in information technology, healthcare, engineering and other business sectors.

This is why Germany created its Opportunity Card, so qualified foreign workers from non-EU countries can stay in Germany for up to 12 months in order to more easily search for jobs in Germany and interview with potential employers there.

Once you receive a qualifying offer of employment in Germany, you can then apply for a German Residence Permit or an EU Blue Card!

To read more, click here!

Work in Sweden

Year after year, Sweden is listed among the world’s best countries to live in, so it is not surprising that many expat workers want to find jobs in Sweden.

University-educated foreign workers with a Master’s Degree or Doctorate who speak Swedish or English are needed for high-paying jobs in Sweden in various fields.

Eligible skilled foreign workers can receive a Swedish Residence Permit that is valid for up to nine months to make it easier to look for jobs in Sweden or to explore the possibilities to start a business there.

If you receive a qualifying offer of employment in Sweden, you can apply for a Swedish Work Permit while you are staying in the country.

In the event that you decide to start a business in Sweden, you can apply for a Swedish Residence Permit so you can remain in the country to launch your new company.

To read more, click here!

Work in Portugal

Portugal is another country in Europe that is rated highly for its quality of life and as a top place for expat workers to settle.

In fact, the 2022 Expat Insider survey ranked Portugal as the #1 destination in Europe for expats and #4 overall out of the 52 countries that were evaluated.

Like many countries around the globe, Portugal is seeking foreign workers for a range of vacant jobs in Portugal.

The Portuguese Job-Seeker Visa allows an expat worker to stay in the country for up to 120 days to make it easier to search for jobs in Portugal, as well as interview in-person with potential employers, and it can be renewed for an additional 60 days.

After you obtain a qualifying offer of employment in Portugal, you can apply for the Portuguese Residence Permit.

To read more, click here!

Requirements and Procedures

In order to be approved for a Job-Seeker Visa to Germany, Sweden, Portugal or another country in Europe, you will need to satisfy the eligibility requirements and complete the application procedure successfully.

Job Seeker Visa Benefits

There are many benefits that you could enjoy by receiving a Job-Seeker Visa to Germany, Sweden, Portugal or another country in the European Union:

  • You can get a decision on your Job-Seeker Visa application within weeks.
  • Having a Job-Seeker Visa makes it easier to seek and interview for jobs.
  • When you get a job, you can apply for a Work Visa, Residence Permit or Blue Card (as relevant).
  • Once you get a Work Visa, Residence Permit or Blue Card, your family can apply to join you.
  • After living in the country for a certain time period and meeting all of the criteria, you may be able to apply for Permanent Residence and later for citizenship!

Frequently Asked Questions

Euro Visa Solutions is a global leader in providing opportunities to expat workers who are seeking jobs in Germany, Sweden and other European countries. Our mission at Euro Visa Solutions is to make it easier for talented people like you to find work in Germany or other European countries that are known for their high quality of life.

Euro Visa Solutions currently offers a Profile Assessment of your potential to work in Germany and we facilitate the German Opportunity Card application process. 

The German Opportunity Card for job-seekers allows foreign workers from non-EU countries to legally live in Germany for up to 12 months in order to look for skilled employment and to interview in-person with prospective employers in the country. The Opportunity Card also permits job-seekers to work in Germany up to 20 hours per week while they search for skilled employment. Once a foreign worker secures a qualifying offer of employment in Germany, he or she can then apply for temporary residence in Germany along with his or her spouse and dependent children via a German Residence Permit or EU Blue Card. 

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